Thermalboard Performance

Thermalboard is both a highly efficient radiant heat delivery system, resulting in lower system operating costs and it is also a fast responding system, heating up and cooling down rapidly for easy system control and comfort.

It’s simple really

Highly Conductive

Thermalboard has an aluminum laminate which is highly conductive, transferring heat very rapidly compared to most systems.

Direct Heat Transfer

Thermalboard is where it needs to be. right under and indirect contact with the finished floor goods for direct heat transfer.

Low Mass

Thermalboard is low mass (5/8” board) so the heat source does not have to heat up a lot of mass.

Even Distribution

Thermalboard tubes are closely spaced (8” OC), so hot or cold spots are not an issue.

Technical Information

Most manufacturers publish this data or it is available in this format from third-party engineers and manufacturers. The chart demonstrates the supply water temperature required to meet a given heat loss (BTU/Sq/Ft.) with a certain finished floor assembly resistance (R-Value). A low R-value of R=.05 would be tile, while a carpet with a carpet pad might be R=2.5. So for example, start at 20 BTU/Sq/Ft. on the X axis, go over to R=1 (hardwood) and go down and it will read about 105F.

  • Important: The higher the supply water temperature a given system type requires, the more energy is required, meaning higher fuel bills.
  • Compare: You can compare different types of systems on our Product Comparisons page. You will see that Thermalboard is a very efficient system compared to most other radiant heat delivery systems/methods.
  • Efficiency and Rapid Response: Do not confuse or conflate the two. The chart to the right describes efficiency while the rate of increase or response rate addresses controls issues for a system.
Thermalboard Performance
Douglas Danner

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